The student network can be accessed from PCs in the Library.
To login:
Username = Student number: e.g. 20000000 or HIL03056303
Password = your network password e.g. A23456789$$$
The Library provides 89 PCs for students with the following software installed as standard:
- AccountRight
- Adobe Digital Editions
- Adobe Reader DC
- Amadeus
- Camtasia (Media Pod ONLY)
- Endnote 20 (for Higher Education students only)*
- Events Air
- Google Chrome
- Journey Atlas
- MS OFFICE 2016 (Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Project/Publisher/Visio/InfoPath)
- Narrator
- Opera (available in After-hours space on identified bank of PCs)
- Windows 10 (Microsoft Edge)
- Windows Live Movie Maker
- Windows Live Photo gallery
- Zoom
* EndNote program is pre-installed on the Library computers, and rooms A220, A221, A340, A434, A437, D207, D209, D211 and D212, so you do not need to download and install it. If you want EndNote on your personal computers (PC/MAC) please navigate to MyWAI > MYLINKS > My HigherEd Software.
Shortcuts to eStudent, Library Search and Add Print Credit platforms are also available on the Desktop screen. All PCs have separate audio and mic ports for headsets.
The Library has 5 laptops available for students to borrow for one week. Laptops cannot be booked.They come with a charger and cable. The following software are installed as standard:
- Adobe Digital Editions
- Adobe Reader
- Chrome and Edge browsers
- Moviemaker
Students can connect to the WAI-BYOD wireless network** by using their WAI login details. Powerpoints are located in multiple areas of the library allowing you to charge your own devices.

** Please note: Not all devices can connect to the wi-fi and is dependent on individual device settings. Dedicated technical support is not provided for BYOD. Any support provided by library and IT staff is best effort only.